毕业生关注的焦点 - Taylor Price

posted on Monday, May 8, 2023 in  毕业生档案

Taylor Price has wanted to be a police officer since she was nine, but when she found out she was pregnant at age 18, 她暂时搁置了大学学业. 

“I’ve always wanted to go to school, but having a kid at a young age, I kind of just put it on the back burner,”她说。. 

It wasn’t until after her second child was born that Taylor decided it was time to take the leap. 她报名参加了 警察科学 at 靠谱买球app推荐. 有时平衡学校, 工作, and motherhood felt overwhelming, but she found compassion and support from her instructors.

“The instructors are awesome,”她说。. “They are here to watch you succeed. They want you to be the best future police officer that you could possibly be.”


  1. 毕业生关注的焦点
  2. 警察科学