

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


靠谱买球app推荐 is committed to protecting your privacy. Any information you voluntarily provide to us such as 电子邮件地址, 名字, 或电话号码 through the Hawkeye website,, will never be sold or traded to a third party.

Information Gathered Automatically

每次你访问 or open an email from the College, web analytical information is automatically gathered. Examples of this information include, but are not limited to:

  • IP地址
  • 参考网站
  • Operating system 和 web browser
  • 访问日期和时间
  • 浏览网页
  • 用于搜索网站的术语
  • 电子邮件 clicks or other actions taken

Unless you take steps to browse the Internet anonymously, 或选择退出, 靠谱买球app推荐, similar to most institutions 和 organizations on the Internet, tracks web browsing patterns to underst和 how our sites are being used.


Information is collected through the use of "cookies," which are text files placed on your computer, to evaluate usage patterns so we can improve both content 和 distribution. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, 然而, doing so may prevent you from using the full functionality of all of our websites.


Pixel tags are tiny image files that may be used to monitor website use. Disabling cookies in your web browser preferences will prevent pixel tags from collecting any unique information.

Pixel tags also may be used to track whether you open email messages we send. You can disable some pixel tags by turning off HTML display or images in your email software.


Third-party tools like Google Analytics help website administrators track site usage, underst和 how users find sites, 和 improve website function 和 content.

Other third-party tools show 靠谱买球app推荐 advertisements on sites across the web. Using cookies 和 related technologies, these tools show ads to people who’ve previously visited our website or might be interested in our sites based on other sites they’ve visited.

也看到 Google Analytics terms of service 和 谷歌的隐私做法.


饼干 may be set by an organization other than These “third-party cookies” may, 例如, originate from websites such as YouTube, 推特, 脸谱网, 谷歌+, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other social media services for which www.hawkeyecollege.Edu实现了“插件”.” The cookie policies of these sites change over time, so you should review their policies by visiting site’s privacy policy.

You may disable cookies through your individual browser options.


To communicate effectively with visitors to our website, we may ask you for personally-identifiable information. 靠谱买球app推荐 will never sell or trade personally-identifiable information you voluntarily provide to us such as 名字, 电子邮件地址, 或电话号码, to any third party unless one of the following conditions apply:

  • We have your consent to share the information.
  • We are required by law to provide information


Applicant information may be used by 靠谱买球app推荐 faculty 和 staff for admissions-related processes such as collecting application materials 和 communicating with applicants 和 prospective applicants regarding Hawkeye the admissions process 和 their status.


防止未经授权的访问, 保持数据的准确性, 和 ensure the appropriate use of information we gather about you, Hawkeye has taken commercially reasonable steps to protect the information.


靠谱买球app推荐 website may include links to non-靠谱买球app推荐 websites. Hawkeye is not responsible for privacy practices on non-Hawkeye websites.


Web technologies are continually changing.  Any changes to Hawkeye’s online policies privacy practices will be posted on this page.


By using 靠谱买球app推荐 websites, you consent to the terms of this privacy statement.


给网站管理员发邮件 with questions about this statement.


Public Relations 和 Marketing

靠谱买球app推荐中心 222
电子邮件 Public Relations 和 Marketing


319-296-2329 ext.1796
